
Rewrite of a widely used Python program that binds touchpad gestures to external commands. This C rewrite is motivated by the limitations of using an interpreted language to read events from libinput.

Project README


This work is inspired by the Python version of libinput-gestures. This is still a work in progress.


From the Python version’s README :

You must be a member of the input group to have permission to read the touchpad device:

Adding your user to the input group is a security risk, as it allows any process running under your session to read all inputs regardless of window focus, including inputs from the keyboard.

The recommended way to run a program that accesses input devices without the user being a member of the input group is to use setgid(). However, this is not possible to do that using an interpreted language, as the sgid bit needs to be set on the binary itself. Doing this with the Python version would require changing the group ownership and setting the sgid bit on the Python interpreter, which would allow any Python program on the computer to read all inputs.

Rewriting this in C makes it possible to use setgid() in the proper way.

Moreover, I happened to have issues with the Python implementation where some libinput messages would get stuck in the buffer.

User manual (short draft)

While this project is still a bit rough around the edges, it currently provides most of the python version’s features :

  • Ability to map gestures to external commands
  • Handles 4 directions for swipes
  • Handles pinch in and out
  • Handles gesture thresholds and timeouts

After cloning the repo, cd into it and build the executable. make libinput-gestures builds the executable and changes the permissions on it to enable setgid(...) (requires root privileges, you will be prompted via sudo). Running the program does NOT require you to add your user to the input group : just run ./libinput-gestures.


The program tries to load a configuration file from the following locations (in decreasing order of priority) :

  • The first argument to the program if supplied
  • config.yaml in the running dir
  • $HOME/.config/libinput-gestures.yaml
  • /etc/libinput-gestures.yaml

When there is an error reading a file (including syntax errors or non-existing file), the program reports the error and skips to the next file in the list. It stops on the first successful configuration load.

trigger_configs lets you define named gesture configuration in the following format :

  - name: default
  - name: swipe_threshold
      threshold: 50
  - name: swipe_timeout
      threshold: 50
      min_duration: 0     # No minimum duration for detecting the gesture
      max_duration: 3000  # The gesture will timeout 3s after being started
  - name: pinch_out
      threshold: 1.2
  - name: pinch_in
      threshold: 0.75

All values for the config parts are optional (as well as the config part itself). If omitted, parameters will default to 0.

triggers defines the conditions for triggering actions and the corresponding actions :

  - type: swipe
    direction: left
    fingers: 3
    trigger_on: end
    config: default
      - notify-send
      - Test yaml swipe left
  - type: swipe
    direction: right
    fingers: 3
    trigger_on: end
    config: default
      - notify-send
      - Test yaml swipe right
  - type: swipe
    fingers: 3
    trigger_on: end
    config: swipe_threshold
      - notify-send
      - Test yaml swipe vertical
  - type: pinch
    fingers: 2
    trigger_on: end
    config: pinch_out
      - notify-send
      - Test yaml pinch out 2 end
  - type: pinch
    fingers: 2
    trigger_on: end
    config: pinch_in
      - notify-send
      - Test yaml pinch in 2 end

Each trigger has the following fields :

  • type (required) : swipe or pinch
  • fingers (required) : integer
  • trigger_on (required) : end or threshold or repeat
  • direction (optional): none (default) or left or right or up or down. Only used for swipe gestures, not used for pinch gestures. none matches any direction when used with swipe gestures.
  • config (required) : string matching the name of a config from the trigger_configs section
  • command (required) : list of args for the command to run when this trigger is matched (the 1st is the command name)

TODO notes

  • Triggers that are not external program calls
  • Clean seat detection ?
  • Install config file in make install